Monday, February 9, 2009

Long Lost Quilt Found

Before my oldest grandson Matthew was born, I started making him a primary color quilt, and then did the same before my granddaughter Samantha was born. I had pieces left over so I went ahead and put them together to save for another day. Well, between then (Matthew is going to be 16 next month! lol) and now I had misplaced it. While cleaning out my son's room today I came across it. It's such a delight too. My oldest friend of 54 years is going to become a new Grandmother for the first time this summer! I'm so excited you'd think it was mine! lol Anyway, it just really seems to fit that this quilt will go to her for her new Granddaughter. (When it's finished, this is only the top of the quilt:)


Anonymous said...

Great top for a baby. They don't see all those pretty pastels we like to use. These primary color cones are the ones that develop in their eyes first!

Do your two GC still have theirs?

Gabriele said...

That is so great that you can gift this quilt to your friends granddaughter.